
Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Long Weekend?

How can a three-day weekend not be long enough?  In most respects, it wasn’t a 3-day weekend for me.  I had yesterday “off” as far as babysitting, and I have today “off” as well.  But the past week was a crazy busy one.  Poetry workshops, shift at Speakeasy, watching little man, cleanup at Speakeasy, a trip to the mall, a paper due, and some cleaning/organizing at home and in the craft room. 

At the very end of the weekend, we raced out and did a few errands.  I’ve been frustrated with our couch for a long time.  We bought it several years ago, and shortly after we got it, the back cushions became misshapen and would never stay in place.  It is also one of those couches where you sink into it and have a hard time getting up.  After having several hours of back-to-back episodes of DIY programming on in the background Sunday, I was ready to do something with our living room.  Yesterday, I finally just gave up.  We went to The Old Cannery and took a look around.  We have space issues in the living room, so it is always a challenge to find something that works, but we think we found it.  

new couch

It is a sectional, but a smaller one. It is firm, and the cushions are attached to the back so we won’t have the same problem we have with our current couch.  I’m excited to get it and see how it works out.  I have to call the delivery service this morning.  Yay.  Obviously it won’t exactly look like that in our house, but at least it is a step in the right direction.  Tim won’t let me repaint the living room, but I’m going to put up some new art, get a few throw pillows and clear out the old ottomans and that should refresh things a bit. 
I also found an amazing chair, but we didn’t get it.  I will just have to daydream about it for now…  

accent chair

So now it is a new week and I’ve got lots to do.  There is still a lot of work to get the craft room organized.  I also have a ton of laundry to tackle today… AND I’m totally inspired to get some art done.  

How was your weekend?  Was it long enough for you? 

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