
Thursday, October 05, 2006


It is Friday... just barely. I haven't been able to get to sleep yet, so I thought I'd get on the computer. I put together an attempt at an ATC for a challenge that Holly McCaig is doing over at Divine Digital. In her chat the other night, she gave out an Autumn kit and said that she wanted everyone to put together an ATC and post it by Friday. The prize is a gift certificate to her shoppe. :) Yay! So here's mine.

Thursday was one of the worst days. I came about a quarter inch from totally losing it at work and quitting. To start the day off, I went by the Kent office to pick up some files. Everyone in that office is pretty discouraged, so it is kind of depressing. I got in the car and was stuck in traffic. The sun was out so I cranked up some music and heard a bunch of songs that really made me want to quit my job. A bunch that made me think about how life is short and I need to be less miserable. A playlist with a message... (The Riddle, 100 Years, Right Now, Your Life is Now, and others). I got to work and Stella was being okay. I was relieved because she'd been tense with me for the past week. But then later, she started going off, half out of her mind, because she wasn't listening and totally jumping to conclusions... which were completely wrong. So she starts screaming (literally) and ranting/raving about how I have no right to do anything and how it is her company, yadda yadda yadda. It almost makes me laugh because it is so ridiculous. But then I hear her bashing me to colleagues on the phone and to other people, so I grabbed a box and was going to throw my stuff in it. Then I sat and thought about how Jessica is in college and I need to come up with tuition and how Tim has to pay big $$ for child support (not to mention transportation costs)... so I didn't quit. I went in and confronted her about what she was saying and how she wasn't listening and didn't know what she was talking about. She finally calmed down... but by then, it was that typical abusive relationship pattern.

Anyhow, I made it through another day. Tomorrow/today, I don't have to go into the office. I'm going to oversee the Tacoma team and that will be a nice break. Then next week, I've got several appointments and a training with the Kent office, so I will be away. And then the next week I'm taking two days off. Whew! Tim and I talked about the need to plan an exit strategy for me to get out of there. To keep my sanity.

We picked Kate up on Wednesday night. I was so relieved to see her. One of the vet assistants brought her out. She looked disoriented, but I called her name and she almost jumped out of the lady's arms. She was so excited, she climbed me and started licking. Tim took her from me so I didn't drop her because she was so squirmy. She was thrilled to see us. She started shaking she was so excited. They told us to keep her quiet for the next 5-7 days. We laughed. I don't know how we can do that! She's such a maniac. She was partially mellow for the rest of the evening, but then today, she seemed back to normal. Jessica kept her in her indoor pen in hopes of keeping her quiet. Here's a picture she took of her.

And last night was a great episode of Grey's Anatomy. I just love that show! I love the writing. There are so many great lines. I need to go back and watch the half of Season 2 that I haven't seen. I didn't start watching it until February, so I missed a bunch of episodes. We bought the second season on DVD (already had season 1). It is like a treat just waiting for me.

I ordered the special kit from Creating Keepsakes today. I'm excited to see what it is like. I saw an example created by Ali Edwards and it was pretty amazing. There are so many cool people doing great things out there! It is unbelievable.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think I'm the only person in the world who does not watch Grey's Anatomy. LOL

Awwww, Kate. :)

Eek, so sorry to hear about the troubles at work. Yucky. :( Your sanity is more important... hope you and Tim figure something out soon so you don't have to stay in that toxic environment!